Evidence-based program successfully delivering improved health outcomes to those with chronic conditions

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Published July 30 2021

HEAL™ (Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyle) is a lifestyle modification program that supports people who are overweight, have diabetes and other chronic conditions to develop lifelong healthy eating and physical activity behaviours.

HEAL is an eight week program which includes information about a healthy diet, including health and exercise tips.
Julia* came to the program at 59 years old with a history of diabetes, osteoarthritis and morbid obesity. She also had low activity levels and struggled with everyday tasks such as shopping.

She attended all eight weeks of the program and showed significant results.

When Julia attended her dietitian review six months post completing the HEAL program, she had lost a significant amount of weight and reported a huge improvement in her diabetes management with her blood results now within the targeted range for her diabetes.

Julia is now confident to move again and is able to do tasks like her shopping as well as enjoying her gardening regularly.

*Client’s name has been changed to maintain privacy.