Occupational therapy


Making it easier for you to do daily activities, safely and independently.

What is it?

Occupational therapists work together with you so you can do the activities you want and need to do, safely and independently. These activities can include self-care (e.g. showering & dressing), domestic tasks (cooking & cleaning), leisure (socialising, accessing your local community) 

We will work together to decide what is important to you and support you to put strategies in place, like adapting the way you do things, modifying your home environment or prescribing equipment to help you reach your goals. Click here for more information

Who can use this service?

Anyone 65 years and over (50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people)

If you're 64 years and under, see our Health Services page.


There is a fee for this service. 

Check our fees here.

Do I need a referral?

Yes. You will need a referral from My Aged Care who will carry out an assessment.

A doctor or health professional can refer you to My Aged Care. See 'Make a booking'.


An occupational therapist will visit you at home.

See all Merri Health locations.

Make a booking

Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Tell them you want Merri Health as your preferred provider.

Your doctor or health professional can also complete this online form.

More information

What is My Aged Care?

My Aged Care is the main entry point into the aged care system in Australia.

When you call them, tell them you want Merri Health as your preferred provider. My Aged Care will then arrange an assessment for you.

I need help calling My Aged Care

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, call the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 and ask to be connected to 1800 200 422.

I need an interpreter to call My Aged Care

If you need an interpreter, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask to be connected to 1800 200 422.

Where can I get more information about this service?

Call 1300 637 744 (MERRI H). We can help you with information about eligibility for services and advice on which service will help you with your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can an occupational therapist help me?

 Occupational Therapists carry out person-centred assessments to help you achieve your goals. This could include:

  • Recommending changes to your home set up to make it safer and easier for you to move around in and do the everyday tasks you need and want to do. This could include suggesting the installation of grab rails, ramps or non-slip surfaces. We can support you to choose, trial and set up aids and equipment like a shower chair or toilet aids.
  • Identifying risks that may result in a fall and ways to prevent them. This can include advice and education, home safety checks and referrals to other agencies such as a local handyman.
  • Teaching you how to do a task differently in order to increases your independence and quality of life. This could include strategies to manage low energy, manage your pain and/or be safer. 

My parents are getting older and need help to shower and get dressed. How can an Occupational Therapist help them?      

An Occupational Therapist can visit your parents at home to identify areas of difficulty. They may ask your parents to demonstrate how they do things such as step in and out of the shower or moving up and down steps. From this observation and discussion with your parents, the Occupational Therapist may suggest different ways to do things, environmental modifications,  or the use of aids equipment  to complete the task safely.

Do Occupational Therapists install rails? 

After completing a home assessment, the Occupational Therapist may recommend the installation of rails to help with minimising the risk of falls in areas such as steps, the shower or toilet. The Occupational Therapist does not install the rails but can link you with services that can.

Do Occupational Therapists organise wheelchairs?

An Occupational Therapist may complete an assessment to identify a wheelchair that will work for you and your goals. They can provide training to you or carers that assist you, including safe ways to transport it. They can support you to trial a suitable wheelchair and explore funding options if necessary.

Can I get equipment and home modifications?

An Occupational Therapist will assess your needs and work with you to identify your goals. If aids, equipment and home modifications are required to help you achieve your goals, the Occupational Therapist can support you to access these supports privately by directing you to suppliers. There are also different funding schemes in Victoria that the Occupational Therapist may be able to apply to on your behalf, however eligibility criteria and wait times vary.

This service is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Visit the Department of Health website for more information.

Although the funding for this service has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.