Merri Health launches new Gender Analysis Tool


Published March 14 2022

Merri Health has created a new Gender Analysis Tool to assist staff in applying a gender lens to program design and implementation.

Teams can use the tool during planning, design, review and/or evaluation of projects to ensure they are inclusive, gender-responsive and accessible.

The tool draws on different instruments across multiple organisations, with a move away from binary language to provide a more inclusive definition of gender.  It encourages staff to consider the range of needs and experiences of people in the community, in regard to their gender identity. 

Cassie Zurek, Health Promotion Officer at Merri Health, said through using this tool, staff will be able to produce projects that are safer for all people, including projects that respond to gender inequities in our community.

“This project came from an identified need for a tool that would help staff to actively and intentionally ensure Merri’s work is always inclusive and responsive to the needs of people of all genders,” Cassie said.

“All the tools we could find used a very binary definition of gender, so we decided to adapt our own. Team members who participate in the process can expect to have deep discussions about gender and equity. It is a reflective process that allows you to learn along the way.”

This project will help us work towards strengthening and formalising our commitment to gender inclusivity and safety. We look forward to implementing it”.