Creative competition to celebrate privacy awareness

Art activity 4

Published April 30 2020

Privacy Awareness Week is an initiative held every year to raise awareness of privacy issues and the importance of protecting personal information.

In 2020 we will be celebrating from 4-10 May 2020 here in Victoria. This year's theme is Privacy – protect yours and respect others’.

Get involved

Privacy Awareness Week and OVIC's Youth Advisory Group are holding a Creativity Competition to celebrate this year's theme.

OVIC are all about celebrating young people and their unique perspective on privacy. Therefore, they are looking for entries that showcase what privacy means to young people. They are encourgaing you to get creative with your entry. It can be drawings, cartoons, poems, songs, videos, collages, posters or anything else.

Entried close 7 May.

There are three prizes:

  • $200 Coles Myer e-gift card
  • $100 JB HI FI e-gift card
  • $50 Readings e-gift card

Click here for more information and the conditions of entry.