Closing the health gap
Working towards closing the gap through respect, equity and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
What is it?
Supporting the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through initiatives and projects that promote respect, equity and recognition.
What are we working towards?
- Making a positive difference in the lives and health of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Ensuring we offer a culturally safe environment
- Improving service access and cultural appropriateness
- Improving their health and wellbeing through targeted initiatives
- Celebrating the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, both past and present
For more information and resources about 'Closing The Gap', see the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet.
Call the RAP Committee on 1300 637 744.
More information
Little Long Walk
The Little Long Walk was an initiative of Merri Health's Reconciliation Action Plan group. An annual event held during Reconciliation Week, it commemorates Michael Long’s 1994 walk from Melbourne to Canberra to meet our then Prime Minister, and put Indigenous issues back on the national agenda.
Each year, a local primary school takes part in the walk, which takes them on a little walk along the Merri Creek up to the Aboriginal Community Elders Services.
This project is an initiative of the Community Health Promotion Team.
This service is funded by the Victorian Government