What have we been up to?

What have we been up to

Published October 13 2016

What have we been up to this year?

Our Annual and Quality of Care Reports for 2016 are here! Our combined report provides updates as to what we’ve been doing during the last financial year, services you’ve accessed, stories from our community and how we’re tracking with our business and finances.

We’ve also added a new function for those that would prefer to watch a video, than read the story – Blippar! Blippar is a free app that can be downloaded on your phone through your Play Store for Android or iTunes for Apple

With Blippar, you scan a page using the app, which will bring up a video you can watch. It’s that easy!

To get ‘blipping’:

  1. Download the free app
  2. Find a page in our report with the Blippar symbol. See page 3 of the report for more information.
  3. Open Blippar and hover over the full page for a few seconds, until a message appears to ‘Press play’
  4. Enjoy the video!

We would love to hear if you use this feature and what you thought of it. Is there anything else you would like to see us share via Blippar? Let us know at communications@merrihealth.org.au

Remember, that it may not work directly on the computer screen, so you may need to print the pages that have the Blippar app function to see how it works.

Happy Blipping and we hope you enjoy this year’s report.