Introducing a new community initiative - Hello, Moreland!

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Published February 23 2022

The launch comes from the success of Hello, Fawkner! which is a project that builds community cohesion, connection and respect for diversity in Fawkner.

After consulting with community members and evaluating our past initiatives to build on our next four-year plan for the community, we used evidence-based research to identify priority groups and objectives* for the people of Moreland.

From this we were given a brief to develop a project that addressed these objectives. We decided to build on the successes of Hello, Fawkner! and expand these initiatives into Glenroy and Hadfield (as well as Fawkner) under a new banner of Hello, Moreland!

To kick off the initiative, applications are now open for the Party Program.

Hello, Moreland! is offering $100 gift cards to Fawkner, Glenroy and Hadfield residents who wish to throw an event or party in their community. The parties are about celebrating culture and diversity, learning something new, and meeting new people.

Events can be in-person, such as a BBQ at your home, a pot-luck party for your street, a picnic in the park or anything else that you think of (COVID-safe, of course)! It could even be an online event. 

In 2022, parties will celebrate one of the following dates:

  • International Women’s Day (March 8) - applications closed
  • Harmony Day (March 21) -  applications closed
  • IDAHOBIT (May 17) – currently taking applications
  • National Reconciliation Week (May 27-June 3) – currently taking applications

We are also running The Great Idea Program in Glenroy.

This program encourages people with an idea to bring the Glenroy community together during COVID-19 to come forward and apply for a grant.
The successful people will be supported to:

  • Further develop the idea and create a project plan  
  • Develop a budget (up to $5000 will be given to support your project)
  • Put the idea into action

If you know of any Glenroy residents who would be interested in the above projects, send them the Party Program flyer, and The Great Idea Program flyer.

*See below "More information"

More information

IHP Objectives

  1. Increase capacity for leadership, social and civic participation
  2. Increase social connections within and between communities
  3. Increase understanding and celebration of diverse communities in Moreland
  4. Increase capacity to act against disrespect, discrimination, violence and exclusion
  5. Increase quality and inclusiveness of local settings
  6. Increase access to and participation in health, community, education and early years services, and social activities

IHP Priority Groups

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • LGBTIQA+ communities
  • Older people 
  • People living with a disability 
  • Multicultural communities, including people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and newly-arrived communities 
  • Children and young people
  • People experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage