Published June 15 2022
Celebrate the older people in your life! Give them a call or check in and have a cuppa so you can share stories.
15 June marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), which is commemorated each year to highlight inequality in our society.
Elder abuse is anything that causes harm to an older person and is carried out by someone they know and trust.
It is a global social issue that affects the health, wellbeing, independence and human rights of older people around the world.
Older people are essential to the fabric of our society. It’s time for us to acknowledge their importance and recognise they are entitled to the respect of their communities, especially their families.
Merri Health is committed to raising community awareness to support older people. Merri Health leads The Elder Abuse Prevention Networks in the northern and western metropolitan regions. This network aims to stop elder abuse through education, resources and campaigns.
Offering the right support to someone experiencing elder abuse can make all the difference.
Together, let’s make sure that our older community are well looked after.