Carers challenged for Active April

Published April 09 2018

Carer health and wellbeing coached at Merri Health have embraced the Victorian Government initiative as a way of encouraging carers to increase exercise.

During the month of April, our carer service CarerLinks North, invite carers to join their Active April team and record their physical activity online, encouraging friendly competition.

Carer health and wellbeing coach and dietitian Collette Arnheim said the campaign is a great way to introduce carers to physical activity and connect with support services and other carers.

“Staying active and healthy is important for all carers so that they can maintain their caring role.

“Active April will help them see the big impact 30 minutes of exercise can have on their energy levels – and a bit of competition is a great motivator!” Collette said.

Active April will complement the team’s free monthly walking sessions, where they take part in light exercise while learning more about support services.

As a fulltime carer of his father, Loddy Micucci has benefitted from the program which has helped him to reach his goals of increasing his physical activity levels.

“The health coaching made me realise that it was okay to take time for myself and also supported me and guided me on how to do that,” Loddy said.

CarerLinks North carer health and wellbeing coaching were awarded the Leading Age Services Australia, 2018 Excellence in Age Services Team Award for Victoria and Tasmania. They were recognised for their innovation and initiative in improving the lives of carers.

Congratulations to the team for championing Merri Health’s value of innovation.

Join a walk and talk session by calling our team on 03 9495 2500.