A lifeline for new and expecting parents
Published December 13 2022
Are you expecting a baby or adjusting to life with a new baby? Would you like some ideas on how to work better with your partner as parents? Or know others who could benefit?
Family Foundations is a FREE 10 session program that supports new parents (couples, those parenting with someone else like an ex-partner, a grandparent or friend) strengthen their relationship as a parenting team and bond with their baby.
We understand that adjusting to a new baby can be challenging as well as joyful for parents.
The program offers time out from daily struggles and helps expecting and new parents build better connection, communication and relationships.
“We so looked forward to the Family Foundations sessions – the parent coaches were funny and helpful, and we learnt how to manage our baby rather than argue or give in to exhaustion! We still use the strategies they showed us 2 years later.” Family Foundations participant.
Available online or in your home - we come to you and fit in with your family circumstances!
Call 9355 9901 or email family.foundations@merrihealth.org.au to find out more.