Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer inclusive
We welcome Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and same sex-attracted and gender diverse people and communities
We are committed to providing a safe and high quality service that is inclusive to all clients and respects the needs, wants and aspirations of everyone. We have a strong commitment to addressing health inequities and discrimination faced by many communities.
About the Rainbow Tick
Merri Health is a Rainbow Tick accredited organisation which means that we provide safe and welcoming spaces and have inclusive policies and procedures to make sure everyone feels safe accessing our service.
You can read more about how we prepare for Rainbow Tick accreditation here.
Services and support
Our services and support are inclusive and safe for all people. We also have specific services for LGBTIQA+ people including:
Alcohol and drugs support: known as QHealth, we offer counselling and support for LGBTIQA+ people who would like to talk about the concerns or impacts of their alcohol and drug use in a confidential, non-judgmental and queer-affirmative space.
Tell us what you think about our services
Every year we review how inclusive our services are for same-sex attracted and gender diverse people.
If you would like to tell us what you think, what we could do better or tell us about your experience using our service, contact us.
- Call (03) 9389 2234
- Email
- Send us mail to:
Quality team
Merri Health
Ground floor, rear unit 4
19 Pentridge Blvd
Coburg VIC 3058
Safe and inclusive spaces
We support Safe Spaces for the LGBTIQA+ community through staff training, our Rainbow tick accreditation, specialised services and our Be an Ally campaign!
More information
Other services and resources
- Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV) is a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) health and wellbeing policy and resource unit. GLHV is funded by the Victorian Government and sits within the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University GLHV is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTI Victorians and the quality of care they receive. (03) 9479 8700
- Switchboard Victoria Inc. is a community based not-for-profit organisation that provides a peer based, volunteer run support service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTIQ) people and their friends, families and allies. Switchboard is the Victorian partner in the national telephone and web counselling, information and referral service Qlife (see Qlife below for details). This service is for LGBTIQ identifying people and those who have questions, concerns
about LGBTIQ issues – this includes families, friends, teachers and co workers of LGBTIQ people. Switchboard runs the social support service for older LGBTIQ Victorians called Out & About. This is in partnership with the National Community Visitors Scheme. - QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). QLife provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web-based services to people of all ages across the full breadth of people’s bodies, genders, relationships, sexualities, and lived experiences. or 1800 184 527 from 3pm-12am everyday.
Qlife also has a Community Resource Directory where you can search for local supports. - Rainbow Network – empowering you to provide safer, more inclusive services for young same sex attracted, intersex, trans* and gender diverse Victorians (03) 9479 8735
- Families like mine – A guide for parents and families of young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender diverse or who are questioning their sexuality or gender identify – developed by Beyondblue, this multimedia guide aims to support parents & families to reduce discrimination and promote an inclusive environment for LGBTGD young people
- The Fitzroy Legal Service (FLS) is now offering a free specialist LGBTIQ Legal Advice Service. (03) 9419 3744
- Minus 18 is a web based support network for same sex attracted, gender questioning young people under 21 years of age. Minus 18 also hosts social and dance events as well as workshops.
- Genderqueer Australia – Web based resource for gender questioning and gender queer people
- The Australian Lesbian Medical Association (ALMA) compiles a list of doctors and mental health professionals who are recommended by lesbian and bisexual women. This is a national project. There are currently around 90 doctors and mental health professionals on the list, including GPs and specialists, metropolitan and rural doctors.
- Rainbow Families Council (RFC) is a volunteer community organisation based in Victoria, Australia. RFC supports and promotes equality for ‘rainbow’ families (parents and prospective parents who identify as lesbian, gay, bi, transgender or intersex, and their children)
- Stop. Think. Respect. – Beyond Blue campaign beyondblue, in collaboration with LGBTI communities and the Movember Foundation, has produced a new national campaign aimed at improving the Australian community’s understanding of discriminatory behaviour and the impact it can have on the mental health of LGBTI communities. To learn more and to watch the personal stories shared in this campaign visit